The mission of GRIT Governance is "unlocking the potential of asset management businesses.". The company itself spunn-off from Estlander & Partners in 2014, however the experience is over 30 years from the financial service and fund management industry. Today GRIT Governance is market leader in Finland with clients all over nordics e.g. Sweden and Denmark. The goal is to be the market leader in the Nordics the coming years.
Continous Improvement
Customer Collaboration
"We are in the business to guide others to do the right things and to do these things right."
We acknowledge that the financial sector, or any sectorfor that matter, is becoming more regulated and this increasing complexity is preventing our imagination and will-the very things that makes us human-from exploring new opportunities that will benefit us all. We aim to use the resources we have-our competences, knowledge, creativity and character (persistance and GRIT) -to do something about it."
Featured Insights: GRIT Governance's forward-thinking analysis and thought leadership on issues shaping the future of World of financial services.